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Meet the rest of the team

Help­ing grow a more inno­v­a­tive & diverse West Michigan

We believe in a more diverse econ­o­my, dri­ven by eco­nom­ic pros­per­i­ty in West Michi­gan com­mu­ni­ties of col­or. With greater access to cap­i­tal and essen­tial sup­port ser­vices, we’re cre­at­ing upward mobil­i­ty for entre­pre­neurs who haven’t been giv­en this oppor­tu­ni­ty his­tor­i­cal­ly. NCTF Grand Rapids is active­ly part­ner­ing with investors who share this vision and are ready to lead.

Grand Rapids, MI

Lim­it­ed Part­ner Investors

We’re proud to part­ner with local com­pa­nies invest­ing in the future of West Michigan

Inside NCTF Grand Rapids

  • Tina Freese Decker
    Tina Freese Decker
    Pres­i­dent & Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Corewell Health

    We are proud to part­ner in estab­lish­ing the New Com­mu­ni­ty Trans­for­ma­tion Fund. The funds are intend­ed to increase eth­nic and racial diver­si­ty in own­er­ship and entre­pre­neur­ship in West Michigan.

    Invest­ing in part­ner­ships that enhance equi­ty and strength­en our com­mu­ni­ty is con­sis­tent with our mis­sion to improve health, inspire hope and save lives.”

  • Robert B. Kaminski
    Robert B. Kaminski
    Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Mer­can­tile Bank of Michigan

    The New Com­mu­ni­ty Trans­for­ma­tion Fund has the poten­tial to be a nee­dle mover for the advance­ment of racial diver­si­ty for busi­ness own­er­ship in West Michigan.

    Mer­can­tile Bank of Michi­gan is pleased be one of the ini­tial investors in this fund, and through it, we remain com­mit­ted with all of our com­mu­ni­ty part­ners in work­ing to ensure that busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able that will cre­ate a strong and sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic cli­mate in which every­one in our diverse com­mu­ni­ties can par­tic­i­pate and enjoy.”

Andrea Wallace, CEO of Opnr

Opnr is a platform that helps concert organizers save time and boost ticket sales by matching them with the perfect acts for their shows. With 720 organizers and 11,000 musicians already on board, Opnr uses fandata to ensure that every booking drives maximum engagement and revenue.

Dre headshot

Anthony Chang, Founder of BAMF

BAMF Health enables true intelligence-based precision medicine by pinpointing cancerous cells, and effectively treating them with more accuracy and precision than traditional methods. The Company piloted in Germany and moved to Grand Rapids to headquarter.

A Chang Final

Sabeer Nelli, CEO of Zil Money

Zil Money is an all-in-one payment platform and accounts payable solution designed for SMEs. Zil Money automates payments from start to finish so you can spend less time on payment tasks and more time on work that really matters.

S Nelli

Carl-Alain Memnon, Cristian-Robert Joseph, and Patrick DeSuza Co-founders of Grain

Grain analyzes a user’s cash-flow behavior and provides them with a personal, responsible revolving line of credit based on their unique spending habits without issuing a physical card. The product is automated from end-to-end: Grain syncs with a user’s existing primary checking account and, using their transaction data, makes credit decisions and empowers users to manage their credit responsibly. Grain operates on a monthly billing cycle and reports monthly to all three credit agencies, just like a traditional credit card.

Grain Founders

New Visionaries Wanted

New Community Transformation Fund is equipping ambitions early & mid-stage high growth companies, transition/legacy businesses and providing business development & support.

Learn More

Who should apply

We’re actively seeking relationships with companies that:

  • Are scal­able, high-growth, ear­ly to mid-stage companies

  • Have founders locat­ed and oper­at­ing in West Michigan

  • Are in advanced man­u­fac­tur­ing, food pro­cess­ing and agribusi­ness, life sci­ences and med­ical devices, or infor­ma­tion technology

  • Are focused on mul­ti-gen­er­a­tional wealth cre­ation with­in his­tor­i­cal­ly dis­ad­van­taged groups

Entrepreneur Apply
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Grand Rapids, MI

Board and Investment Committee

Board of Directors

  • B Klohs Final

    Birgit Klohs

    Co-Founder & Exec­u­tive Chair
    New Community Transformation Fund
  • Headshot g rochow 2x

    Garrick Rochow

    Pres­i­dent & CEO & Board Treasurer/​Sec­re­tary
    CMS & Consumers Energy
  • Headshot s welch 2x

    Skot Welch

    Co-Founder and Man­ag­ing Partner
    New Community Transformation Fund
  • Headshot c jackson 2x

    Christal Jackson

    Head & Heart Philanthropy
  • K Anku final

    Kwame Anku

    Chair­man & CEO
    Black Star Fund
  • R Hall

    Ron Hall Jr

    Pres­i­dent & CEO
    Bridgewater Interiors, LLC
  • V Pickard

    Vivian Pickard

    Pres­i­dent & CEO
    Pickard Group

Investment Committee

  • D Grogan Final


    Chief Exec­u­tive Officer
  • C Rische


    Man­ag­ing Director
  • Headshot h burrell 2x


    Part­ner, SVP
  • Headshot t liang 2x


    Man­ag­ing Director
  • Headshot d holtrop 2x


    SVP, Cor­po­rate Banking
  • R Scott Square


    Real Estate Invest­ment Consultant
  • S Jandernoa Square


    42 North Partners
  • S whitelocke square


    ITC Michigan