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Many Affil­i­ates. One Vision.

Our strength is our diver­si­ty. The New Com­mu­ni­ty Trans­for­ma­tion Fund vision is shared among its affil­i­ates, each who take our approach will cre­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties, cre­ate jobs, cre­ate wealth in the communities

Inside NCTF — Our Sto­ries and Thought leadership

  • Robert B. Kaminski
    Robert B. Kaminski
    Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Mer­can­tile Bank of Michigan
    Grand Rapids, MI

    The New Com­mu­ni­ty Trans­for­ma­tion Fund has the poten­tial to be a nee­dle mover for the advance­ment of racial diver­si­ty for busi­ness own­er­ship in West Michigan.

    Mer­can­tile Bank of Michi­gan is pleased be one of the ini­tial investors in this fund, and through it, we remain com­mit­ted with all of our com­mu­ni­ty part­ners in work­ing to ensure that busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able that will cre­ate a strong and sus­tain­able eco­nom­ic cli­mate in which every­one in our diverse com­mu­ni­ties can par­tic­i­pate and enjoy.”

  • Tina Freese Decker
    Tina Freese Decker
    Pres­i­dent & Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Corewell Health
    Grand Rapids, MI

    We are proud to part­ner in estab­lish­ing the New Com­mu­ni­ty Trans­for­ma­tion Fund. The funds are intend­ed to increase eth­nic and racial diver­si­ty in own­er­ship and entre­pre­neur­ship in West Michigan.

    Invest­ing in part­ner­ships that enhance equi­ty and strength­en our com­mu­ni­ty is con­sis­tent with our mis­sion to improve health, inspire hope and save lives.”

We believe in a more diverse economy, driven by economic prosperity in West Michigan’s communities of color. With greater access to capital and essential support services, we’re creating upward mobility for entrepreneurs who haven’t been given this opportunity historically. NCTF is actively partnering with investors who share this vision and are ready to lead.

Invest in a more diverse and innovative West Michigan

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NCTF Beginnings

NCTF began in Grand Rapids with a vision to add demographic growth to the City. Through our partnership with The Right Place this was made possible with the first Fund to serve West Michigan.

Our Approach

We want to hear from you!

Interested in partnering or just have questions for NCTF, please fill in the form and we will be in touch.