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Part­ner­ship with The Right Place

Eco­nom­ic Development

NCTF part­nered with The Right Place, Inc., West Michi­gan’s lead­ing region­al eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment orga­ni­za­tion. Since 1985, The Right Place has pro­vid­ed supe­ri­or busi­ness growth ser­vices for com­pa­nies through­out the region.

  • The Right Place has assist­ed thou­sands of busi­ness­es invest­ing more than $5B and over 45,000 jobs through­out West Michi­gan over three decades.
  • The Right Place main­tains deep rela­tion­ships with thou­sands of busi­ness own­ers in the region.
  • The Right Place’s exper­tise in Michi­gan’s entre­pre­neur­ial ecosys­tem and statewide resources ensures NCTF busi­ness­es will have the tools and sup­port they need to succeed.

Invest­ment Approach

Ear­ly & Mid-Stage High Growth Companies

NCTF will invest in scal­able high-growth ear­ly to mid stage com­pa­nies local to the Region. 

Transition/​Legacy Businesses

NCTF will also invest in tran­si­tion / suc­ces­sion busi­ness­es. First, the fund will iden­ti­fy West Michi­gan busi­ness­es look­ing to be acquired. Next, the fund will iden­ti­fy new owner/​operators to take over those busi­ness­es. Final­ly, the fund will assist in the financ­ing of the pur­chase of the com­pa­ny with the new owner/​operator and pro­vide a cap­i­tal invest­ment to assist in the company’s accel­er­at­ed growth.

Busi­ness Devel­op­ment & Support

NCTF will build a robust net­work of men­tors, advi­sors and cor­po­rate part­ners. The fund will then active­ly assist in the bro­ker­ing of rela­tion­ships with the port­fo­lio com­pa­nies to assist in strate­gic cus­tomer part­ner­ships as well as tal­ent acqui­si­tion for senior man­age­ment and board members.